Building Capacity for Subnational Biodiversity Planning

ICLEI and the SCBD collaborated in preliminary consultations with Parties and selected subnational and local authorities on the need for implementation of NBSAPs by subnational governments. ICLEIwas tasked with guidelines for an integrated approach in the development and implementation of national, subnational and local biodiversity strategies and action plan and undertake capacity development. The Guidelines […]

Building Capacity for Subnational Biodiversity Planning

Young Writers Network – YWN

ICLEI Oceania has posted a ‘science communications toolkit’ on the website, a collation of useful resources for sustainability students. Through the Young Writers Network students and graduates are empowered to become engaging communicators. Sharing evidence-based knowledge in credible and persuasive ways is paramount to the health of a mindful and engaged society, and is a […]

Young Writers Network – YWN


Information available to urban planners – such as applicable legal frameworks and relevant policies – are useful to citizens, providing them with a better insight into the planning process and local government decision making. ICLEI is exploring how to use social media and other ICT solutions for better public participation and urban co-creation, and develop […]


Cultural Heritage and Climate Risk Narratives

Innovative research has been undertaken by ICLEI in Blantyre, Gaborone and Harare to enhance understanding of the influence of people’s perceptions and values during their interpretation of climate risk narratives.

Cultural Heritage and Climate Risk Narratives

Informed Cities

Drawing on various research projects, ICLEI aims to make research work for local sustainability at the European level. ICLEI works to bridge the gap between research, policy-making and action in sustainable development, at and for the local level. ICLEI organizes knowledge brokerage between local governments and other stakeholder groups such as researchers, civil society initiatives, […]

Informed Cities


The PROMISE Tool has helped strengthen capacity of local government for integrated, participatory, inclusive and sustainable development and efficient resource mobilisation and utilisation to enhance service delivery, increase community participation and promote diversity in the urban system. Local authorities have been supported to create, enable and institutionalize equitable and inclusive governance mechanism and facilitate the […]


Promoting Smart Cities though Lighthouse Demonstration Projects

In a rapidly urbanizing world, cities need to become smarter to respond to citizen needs and to reduce their environmental footprint. ICLEI is shaping the Smart City debate in Europe through the Lighthouse demonstration projects (such as GrowSmarter and RUGGEDISED), lead replication and exploitation efforts in more than 50 cities and constructively reflect upon the […]

Promoting Smart Cities though Lighthouse Demonstration Projects

Transition Academy

ICLEI aims to increase the capacity of change makers, civil society and organizations to contribute to more just, sustainable and resilient futures. ICLEI offer academic and professional education on the theory and practice of transformative societal change, by facilitating peer-to-peer learning processes between 15 frontrunner cities and twice as many other cities within Europe.

Transition Academy

Urban Transitions Alliance

The Urban Transition Alliance connects industrial legacy cities from Europe, USA and China committed to accelerate ambitious and inclusive transitions, as well as showcasing their sustainability leadership. Alliance cities share their own transition experiences, knowledge and good practices based on social, economic and environmental challenges within their unique industrial legacy context. Through a tailored exchange […]

Urban Transitions Alliance

Urban Resilience Training Series

ICLEI East Asia and UNDRR co-hosted two workshops for two Chinese cities – Ningbo and Chengdu – to raise awareness of urban resilience with specific focuses on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction among local officials. The workshops were structured in sessions of concept and tools introduction, and presentations of international and domestic cases […]

Urban Resilience Training Series
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