Since 2008, ICLEI’s Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC) has convened successive summits as official parallel events to the Conference on Biological Diversity COP, to enable local and subnational governments engagement. These Summits have resulted in strong political outcomes, including the Quintana Roo (2016) and Sharm El-Sheikh (2018) Communiques, Nagoya Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities […]
ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center (ICLEI CBC)
District Energy Systems produce steam, hot water or chilled water at a central plant, making them much more efficient and less energy consuming. Under this project ICLEI assesses potential for district energy systems in Indian cities with an aim to develop integrated roadmaps for energy policy and investment for scale-up of district cooling in specific […]
District Energy Systems in Indian Cities
Over 300 Canadian municipalities are making a public commitment to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and to act on climate change. Through the development and application of accounting and planning tools, knowledge development resources, training workshops and peer-networks, ICLEI builds the capacity of local governments across Canada to mitigation climate change.
Partners for Climate Protection program
ICLEI supports the leading national sustainable cities initiative in Japan. The initiative started as Environmental Model City Initiative in 2008, evolved into FutureCIty Initiative in 2011, and matured as SDGs FutureCity Initiative in 2018. ICLEI and member cities have been actively involved in the Initiative from the beginning; and recently contributed to The 7th International […]
SDGs FutureCity Initiative
Through this partnership with the non-profit organization R20, ICLEI promotes and implements projects designed to produce local economic and environmental benefits in the form of reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, strong local economies, improved public health and new green jobs. ICLEI identifies medium to large scale climate and energy projects such as waste-to-energy, […]
In nearly three decades of work, ICLEI has developed, tested and scaled up methodologies to guide the way towards sustainable urban development at the local level. This rich experience accumulated allows us to apply a common framework for our global projects and initiatives, which currently follows the stages: analysis, action and acceleration, and in each […]
Cities + Sustainable – ICLEI South America Solutions Portfolio 2019
Non-energy-related benefits play a key role in the deep renovation of existing buildings. ICLEI focuses on the creation of a substantial increase of the real estate value of the existing buildings through a significant energy and architectural transformation like aside or façade addictions, rooftop extensions or even an entire new building construction, to reach the […]
In the last 30 years, climate change, coupled with unplanned, rapid urbanization, generated significant development challenges worldwide. ICLEI has implemented City Learning Labs FRACTAL to periodically gather a broad range of knowledge-holders and decision-makers in targeted cities to work together on developing a deep, shared understanding of critical burning issues linked to climate that cities […]
City Resilience Development and Resilience-Building Toolbox
ICLEI offers a simple and convenient online process for pre-screened installers to compete for city-region bids, making it easier for North American communities to switch to solar energy.
The way the world heats its buildings uses fossil fuel in an unsustainable way. By providing the methods, data, and tools to enable more sophisticated thermal energy system planning rapidly and cheaply, ICLEI accelerates the multi-government and stakeholder dialogues in Europe and beyond on decarbonizing heating and cooling in an integrated energy system.