ICLEI KO is working as the secretariat of the alliance coordinating the overall plan of the activities of the alliance and the implementation on the ground. Aside from administrative role, KO provides professional consultation and guidance on how local leaders show their wills on sustainable development and how the local government officials can apply the […]
Korean Local Governments Alliance for Sustainable Development
ICLEI is providing a platform for inspiration, action and the commitment to take sustainability to the next level.
In nearly three decades of work, ICLEI has developed, tested and scaled up methodologies to guide the way towards sustainable urban development at the local level. This rich experience accumulated allows us to apply a common framework for our global projects and initiatives, which currently follows the stages: analysis, action and acceleration, and in each […]
Cities + Sustainable – ICLEI South America Solutions Portfolio 2020
The Monitor Nachhaltige Kommune project aims to support the development of "effect-oriented" sustainability management in German communities. The project, lead by the Bertelsmann Foundation, is divided into several project modules. ICLEI´s part in this project builds the foundation of indicator based monitoring. It provides the knowledge and training for local governments to change their governance […]
ICLEI is responsible for the sharing, dissemination and valorisation of knowledge and experiences produced within the project. By this ICLEI ensures that the knowledge, experiences and results produced are not only well documented and widely shared but also relevant for local communities and policy-makers in Europe. ICLEI synthesizes results and produces key project deliverables combining […]
The Connecting Nature front-runner cities will draw on their experiences and work with fast-follower cities in a capacity-building role. The project will expand upon existing urban sustainability and innovation initiatives, create a reference framework of clear and useful indicators for the implementation and evaluation of nature-based solutions, build expertise and competency in all cities for […]
The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa supports Sub-Saharan African cities to tackle the interconnected challenges of climate change and access to sustainable energy. Started in 2015, CoM SSA is the African regional chapter of the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM), the largest network of cities driving urban climate action. CoM SSA provides broad-scale technical […]
CoM SSA (Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa) – Phase III
Establishing transdisciplinary foundations – Facilitate, organize and conduct Urban-Regional Innovation Partnerships (URIPs) dialogues Developing a novel nature based solutions assessment framework – Engage stakeholders in Utrecht and Malmö in a multi-criteria method to determine stakeholder values. – Extend the learning process to the other URIPs in a two-day workshop. – Identify how current insights and […]
NATURVATION (Nature Based Urban Innovation)
ICLEI coordinates the work on a comprehensive Outreach, Communication and Training Strategy for the ROBUST project. The strategy comprises training material for decision-makers in policy and the public sector. The specific objectives are: To facilitate an effective communication and exchange with ROBUST’s principle target groups: 1) regional rural and urban policymakers, interest groups, and practitioners; […]
ROBUST (Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies)
ICLEI Europe is lead of the project and thus coordinates it. ICLEI Europe is also responsible for the distilling solutions. This includes following aspects: To distill a final palette of innovative specific recommendations for sustainable and inclusive urban areas from the outputs of WPs 3-5, including policy decisions, urban planning tools, financing mechanisms, and procedural […]
URBANA (Urban Arena for sustainable and equitable solutions)