GreenClimateCities Program

ICLEI can help raise ambition and connect cities, towns, and regions who are seeking to solve the problems of climate change. The GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program offers cities a proven process methodology for walking step-by-step toward climate neutrality.The GCC program supports local communities on the front lines addressing the challenges and opportunities of urban growth, exploring […]

GreenClimateCities Program

NDC Partnership

Building upon ICLEI´s commitment to engage in the NDC Partnership and as the first associate member, ICLEI created a modular approach to addresses the vertical integration of NDC implementation and investment plans, outlining the contribution of local and regional governments in the NDCs. ICLEI’s participation is structured in four parts: coordinating a multilevel action working […]

NDC Partnership

Solutions Gateway

ICLEI provides detailed guidance and practice-oriented resources to technical staff through an open access, online, low emission development platform. The Solutions Gateway is an online resource platform for local and regional governments where they will be able to find relevant Low Emissions Development (LED) Solutions for their cities. The platform contains sectoral and cross-sectoral packages […]

Solutions Gateway


ICLEI promotes low carbon urban freight policies and practices addressing climate change mitigation and the ambitions of NDCs. By highlighting ecologistics as a priority area for local and national governments the project raises awareness, collects and develops policy recommendations, develops action plans and guides pioneering cities to exemplary action. The project strengthens institutional capacity through […]



The overarching goal of the “CitiesSHIFT: Capacity building and networking for climate- and people-friendly mobility” project is to support cities to identify challenges and opportunities of urban mobility system in hope that the city could shift towards more sustainable modes of travel i.e. walking, cycling, shared and public transport. Building a healthy living environment: Urban […]


Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues 2018

Responding to the Fijian COP23 Presidency call, in its capacity as focal point of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency at the UNFCCC, ICLEI worked with UN-Habitat and the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy to mobilize Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues in 2018. The aim was to enable discussion between […]

Cities and Regions Talanoa Dialogues 2018


CITYFOOD accelerates local and regional government action on sustainable and resilient city-region food systems by combining networking with technical expertise through training and policy guidance and facilitating local and regional engagement in international discourse. The network promotes food security, social inclusion, economic development and environmental resource management by combining networking with training, policy guidance and […]


EcoMobility Alliance

The EcoMobility Alliance is a network of selected committed cities led by innovators and visionaries, supported by experts and businesses. The EcoMobility Alliance cities are a select group of ambitious cities that have achieved positive results in specific dimensions of sustainable mobility, and that strive to reduce their dependence on fossil fuel-based personal automobiles. The […]

EcoMobility Alliance

Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Public Procurement

The Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement is a group of cities committed to drive the transition to sustainable consumption and production by implementing sustainable and innovation procurement. Participating cities act as ambassadors of sustainable procurement to lead to a resource efficient, low carbon and socially responsible society. Their aim is to share and […]

Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Public Procurement

GCoM (Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy)

ICLEI provides technical guidance by participating in GCoM’s technical working groups, which address mitigation and adaptation in specific data-related sub-groups, including Emissions and Targets; Climate Action Planning; Resilience; and Access to Energy. ICLEI also participates in non-data related groups, including Access to Finance; Governance and Regional Coherence; Research; and Communications. ICLEI has a representative in […]

GCoM (Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy)
Associate Partnership
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