Municipal Climate Action Plans (PACMUN)

Over the course of the PACMUN project, ICLEI has worked with over 450 Mexican municipalities to develop GHG inventories, collect data and define local climate action plans. Project activities focus on building the capacity of municipal staff to establish goals and prioritize actions on climate and resilience. Municipalities also work with ICLEI to report their […]

Municipal Climate Action Plans (PACMUN)

One Planet City Challenge

Through collaboration on the OPCC, which is led by WWF, ICLEI aims to encourage the reporting of climate related data from local governments around the globe, and to improve the quality of the reported data. In partnership with CDP, ICLEI provides CDP and ICLEI’s unified reporting system for the report of the data of OPCC […]

One Planet City Challenge

GreenClimateCities Program

ICLEI can help raise ambition and connect cities, towns, and regions who are seeking to solve the problems of climate change. The GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program offers cities a proven process methodology for walking step-by-step toward climate neutrality.The GCC program supports local communities on the front lines addressing the challenges and opportunities of urban growth, exploring […]

GreenClimateCities Program
Associate Partnership
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