American Cities Climate Challenge
ICLEI's roll is to review the 25 city GHG inventories for completeness and to provide support, in some ca […]
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ICLEI's roll is to review the 25 city GHG inventories for completeness and to provide support, in some ca […]
ICLEI's roll is to review the 25 city GHG inventories for completeness and to provide support, in some cases actually completing the inventory as needed.
Local governments are leading the change to an integrated planning approach, in which protected areas are a fu […]
Local governments are leading the change to an integrated planning approach, in which protected areas are a fundamental component of both urban and rural landscapes. Innovative solutions at the local level are being applied to integrate local protected areas into municipal planning and territorial development strategies, as well as into local management systems. ICLEI is improving the conditions of local governments to conserve biodiversity through the effective and equitable management of protected areas and other area-based conservation measures. The project combines a multi-scale and programmatic approach, focusing on strengthening local level capacities and governance as well as the role of local governments in the effective management of protected areas and other area-based conservation measures within the four countries’ institutional and legal frameworks. Benefits and challenges are disseminated at the local, subnational, national and international level.
ICLEI is responsible for several activities: Disseminate, communicate and exploit project results; Standardisa […]
ICLEI is responsible for several activities: Disseminate, communicate and exploit project results; Standardisation activities; Establish and maintain a framework to enable co-creation between research partners and city partners; Develop ‘state-of-the-art’ report on mainstreaming gender in building cultural heritage resilience; Review, map and characterise good practices Europe-wide in regard to making historic areas more resilient. This will be achieved by working with the pilot cities Bratislava (Slovakia), Camerino (Italy), Hamburg (Germany), and Valencia (Spain) to develop tools and methodologies that will be combined into a collaborative disaster risk management platform for local authorities and practitioners, the urban population, and (inter)national expert communities. These efforts will ensure project results that are applicable and useful in practice, supporting informed decision-making by local government leaders and technical staff, with a view to better protecting cultural heritage assets from climate impacts and other disasters.
ICLEI is responsible for the sharing, dissemination and valorisation of knowledge and experiences produced wit […]
ICLEI is responsible for the sharing, dissemination and valorisation of knowledge and experiences produced within the project. By this ICLEI ensures that the knowledge, experiences and results produced are not only well documented and widely shared but also relevant for local communities and policy-makers in Europe. ICLEI synthesizes results and produces key project deliverables combining established dissemination tools with more innovative, participatory activities. In detail ICLEI:
– disseminates and valorises the knowledge and experiences produced within the project
– synthesises and communicates project results in formats that underline their relevance for local communities and policy-makers in Europe
– advances self-reflective learning and stimulates public debates on social innovation through transition initiatives
– informs future implementation frameworks for sustainability and low-carbon policies on the local, national and EU level
ICLEI supports the Clean Energy Living Laboratories (CELLs) and the Project Management Office, especially on l […]
ICLEI supports the Clean Energy Living Laboratories (CELLs) and the Project Management Office, especially on local government engagement. ICLEI works with demonstration cities to mainstream a local energy plan and assists the CELLs in developing a curriculum for an executive education program targeting policymakers and stakeholders and support advocacy activities.
ICLEI facilitates City-to-City Exchange activities, conducting workshops to capacitate selected demonstration cities, and linking the cities to possible funding sources. The workshops are aimed to help the demonstration cities in actualizing their local energy plans. ASEP-CELLs’ emphasis on advocating, educating and supporting evidence-based policies and programs is expected to improve the learning conditions and experiences among stakeholders and champions.
ICLEI supports and promotes regional cooperation and collaboration and facilitates learning across member orga […]
ICLEI supports and promotes regional cooperation and collaboration and facilitates learning across member organizations and Asian countries for the Asia LEDS (Low Emission Development Strategies) Partnership (ALP), a voluntary regional network comprised of organizations and individuals from the public, private, and non-governmental sectors active in designing, promoting, and/or implementing LEDS in Asia. ICLEI assists Asian countries to advance LEDS, green growth strategy and achieve NDC targets. ICLEI offers peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and learning through online sessions and in-person regional peer learning and training workshops; access to resource materials such as issue briefs, case stories, decision tools, and training materials that enable practitioners to champion LEDS; and technical assistance to address specific technical needs and advance LEDS and NDC implementation.
ICLEI initiated and continues to promote the uptake of the Basque Declaration, which was adopted by the partic […]
ICLEI initiated and continues to promote the uptake of the Basque Declaration, which was adopted by the participants of the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns in April 2016. The Basque Declaration outlines new pathways for European Cities and Towns to create productive, sustainable and resilient cities for a livable and inclusive Europe. The declaration aims to support and accelerate socio-cultural, socio-economic and technological transformation.
ICLEI's aim in the project is to maximise consumers’ and specifically procurers involvement via specific […]
ICLEI's aim in the project is to maximise consumers’ and specifically procurers involvement via specific campaigns, via retailers, cities and manufacturers’ service network. ICLEI is creating awareness amongst European public and business procurement personnel (PPP) through targeted and tailormade campaigns to inform public procurement actors and their organisations. The consortium wants to empower PPP to make better, more informed decisions when it comes to the procurement of high energy efficiency products.
ICLEI was responsible for the integration of five “reference cities” invited to take part in the Berliner Mobi […]
ICLEI was responsible for the integration of five “reference cities” invited to take part in the Berliner Mobilitätskonferenz (Berlin Mobility Conference): Beijing, London, Los Angeles, Moscow and Paris.
ICLEI identified suitable projects/initiatives from each of the five cities that could fit well into the envisaged conference programme. Further ICLEI led the communication with these cities in the run-up to the event to confirm their participation, brief them, and ensure a high-quality, relevant presentation is delivered at the conference.
ICLEI led a consortium of partners, which developed the Berliner Nachhaltigkeitsprofil on behalf of the city. […]
ICLEI led a consortium of partners, which developed the Berliner Nachhaltigkeitsprofil on behalf of the city. The main tasks in the project were:
Coordination of the activities of the project consortium;
Advise the city administration on strategic questions regarding local sustainability strategies;
Analyze key strategic documents of urban development in the city in order to identify cross-cutting approaches;
Conduct interviews with selected experts and individuals regarding sustainability in Berlin;
Identify three unique pathways to sustainability in Berlin. Those so called profile areas are the Enabling Berlin, the Productive Berlin, the Accessible Berlin;
Identify lighthouse projects to illustrate and showcase the previously identified profile areas;
Organize feedback loops for the development of the Berliner Nachhaltigkeitsprofil. Those are 1) a scientific advisory council, 2) a online consultation process, 3) a workshop with key stakeholders;
Create a publication package including a detailed final report, a short summary (German/ English) and a power point presentation (German/ English).
Mitigating the impacts of climate change in the relevant sectors, with the preparation of a technical study of […]
Mitigating the impacts of climate change in the relevant sectors, with the preparation of a technical study of climate risk and the respective adaptation plan through the MOVE platform; Promote actions and measures to control and reduce GHG emissions by updating the GHG Inventory using the CLIMAS software and the GPC methodology; Establish paths to reach the commitment to neutralize GHG emissions by 2050 through an assessment of the best alternatives for reducing emissions in the sectors of the municipality; Share technology and information with the local technical staff to empower the municipality in implementing the proposed actions; Encourage public and private investments to adopt sustainable practices; Create a database for monitoring and supervising measures and for accelerating more ambitious, collaborative and environmentally correct local climate actions. Expected impacts: to position an ICLEI and C40 member city in accordance with the GCoM through the presentation of a historic series of GHG Inventory, dissemination of the study through the final report of the plan as an opportunity for international visibility
The Big Buyers Initiative presents an opportunity for public authorities to engage with other authorities acro […]
The Big Buyers Initiative presents an opportunity for public authorities to engage with other authorities across Europe and to shape new innovative solutions to their procurement needs. ICLEI and EUROCITIES are currently running the initiative on behalf of the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW). The initiative works together with existing networks and organisations active in this area. To put these goals into action, three working groups have been established, with over 40 participating cities, which meet regularly to work on relevant procurement topics. The first group focusses on electric vehicle procurement, the second on circular construction procurement, and the third on zero emission construction vehicles. The groups meet regularly and ICLEI together with EUROCITIES provides faciliation and organises market engagement for the groups to achieve their goals.
The event was organized by ICLEI SAMS in partnership with Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment of , […]
The event was organized by ICLEI SAMS in partnership with Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment of , Regions4, Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support initiative, the support of CETESB, Fundação Florestal, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (RBMA), the envolvement of ICLEI Africa and Cities Biodiversity Centre representation. The event aimed to formulate contributions from several Brazilian actors regarding key points for the new Post-2020 global framework of the Biological Diversity Convention (CBD), which will be defined in the next COP15 of CBD. To this end, the “Letter of São Paulo” was prepared as a result of the event, as a document that compiled the local, subnational contributions, from the biosphere reserves, civil society entities, from the private sector, among others. With this, the intention is to reach a global agreement for nature and for people to be recognized by the 196 signatory countries to the Convention. The event featured moments of group work in sessions with some thematic axes and also expository moments of practices on these themes.
ICLEI is carrying out a baseline assessment of the ecosystems and the services they provide to the city of Gan […]
ICLEI is carrying out a baseline assessment of the ecosystems and the services they provide to the city of Gangtok. ICLEI will complete a review of the policy environment with regard to biodiversity conservation is and a natural asset map for the city, which will all help to set the baseline for the Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for the city. This will be in line with the State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
ICLEI is in charge of making a review on barriers and opportunities for the development of bio-based value cha […]
ICLEI is in charge of making a review on barriers and opportunities for the development of bio-based value chains; identifying stakeholders and expected benefits from mutual learning; mapping bio-based products (applications) based on stakeholders’ interests; creating guidelines for the BIOVoices Mobilisation and Mutual Learning approach; engaging the plurality of voices through creation of the BIOVOICES community and establishing a mechanism for communication of their needs, through the methodological approach for Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) workshops; creating the on line BIOVoices social platform and on line mutual learning activities; co-designing of the BIOVoices social platform and organising a series of European, National and Regional MML co-creation events. All of these actions will promote the dialogue among civil society, business, policy makers and researchers as well as develop a common understanding of the different needs and possible solutions and produce policy briefs in order to increase the societal confidence related to bio-based products and industries.
Associate Partnership is available to non-governmental organizations, universities, state and national government agencies and not-for-profit research institutions. The purpose of Associate Partnership is to facilitate dialogues between local governments and these partners, to provide knowledge transfer in line with ICLEI’s Mission and Charter, and an avenue for which partners can support ICLEI’s work and mandate.
HARNESS the power of the ICLEI Network!" Governments need to give (the sense of) direction, as Business leaders we don't make the wind, we sail the boats. So policy should set the winds in the right directions if you want the boat going fast to the right harbor."Philippe Joubert Senior Advisor, World Business Council
on Sustainable Development
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Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
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Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
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Joining ICLEI means connecting to more than 1,500 local and regional governments as well as technical experts and a diversity community of partners worldwide. ICLEI Members actively engage with their peers through conferences, workshops, webinars and online platforms and take advantage of our connections with businesses, financial institutions and other implementation partners that help strengthen innovation and resourcing.
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Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)
Fee Structure
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)